In Kawasaki City, when the number of the applicants for the use of the approved-childcare centers exceeds the capacity, based on the criteria of use coordination, we determine how much the children need daycare by each childcare center and by age, then we offer the admission for children in the order of ranks and index from highest.
In the use coordination, each guardian is categorized from A to H by household based on the appended table 1 "The criteria of use coordination related to educational/childcare facilities and area-based childcare services". The lower rank between the guardians is considered as the rank of the household. The child with the higher household rank will get offered first.
When there is a competition in the same rank, based on the appended 2 "The index of the coordination in the same rank", we calculate the index by household, and the child with the higher index will get offered first.
When there is a competition in the same index in the same rank, based on the appended 3 "The coordination category in the case where there is a competition in the same index in the same rank", we calculate the scores from the categories by household, and the child with the higher score will get offered first. When it is still difficult to judge even with the appended 3, the household with three or more children has a priority, and the household with lower income will be the next to get admission offer.
For More Informtaion, Please Contact
Kawasaki Ward Office, Community Care and Support Center (Health and Social Welfare Center and Public Health Center), Children and Families' Section
Tel: 044-201-3219
Daishi Community Health and Social Welfare Station, Children and Family Services
Tel: 044-271-0150
Tajima Community Health and Social Welfare Station, Children and Family Services
Tel: 044-322-1999
Saiwai Ward Office, Community Care and Support Center (Health and Social Welfare Center and Public Health Center), Children and Families' Section
Tel: 044-556- 6688
Nakahara Ward Office, Community Care and Support Center (Health and Social Welfare Center and Public Health Center), Children and Families' Section
Tel: 044-744- 3263
Takatsu Ward Office, Community Care and Support Center (Health and Social Welfare Center and Public Health Center), Children and Families' Section
Tel: 044-861- 3250
Miyamae Ward Office, Community Care and Support Center (Health and Social Welfare Center and Public Health Center), Children and Families' Section
Tel: 044-856- 3258
Tama Ward Office, Community Care and Support Center (Health and Social Welfare Center and Public Health Center), Children and Families' Section
Tel: 044-935- 3297
Asao Ward Office, Community Care and Support Center (Health and Social Welfare Center and Public Health Center), Children and Families' Section
Tel: 044-965- 5158
Child Development Bureau, Child Care Promotion Department, Nursery Policy Section
Tel: 044-200-3727