

I would like to know about the procedure for a Japanese National to marry a Foreign National.


Whereby you are to be married according to the Japanese law (Notification of Founding), your partner will be required to present a certificate of legal capacity to contract marriage, their passport, birth certificate and certificate of nationality. If you have been married according to a foreign law (Notification of Reporting), your partner will be required to present the marriage certificate with the translation and their passport etc. Required documents may vary depending on the country which your partner is from, please confirm what is required with the Family Registry section (Person in charge) of the ward office in advance since the required documents are depend on the country.

1. Documents to be Submitted: Marriage Registration (Available at Residents section of ward offices, Citizens' Center of branch offices) (In case of a foreign law, Witnesses are not required if there are Japanese signature and stamp on the document.)

2. Submission Period: Optional (Within 3 months of the date of marriage if you have been married according to a foreign law.)

3. Where to Submit a Notification: The Ward Residents section of the ward office or the Citizens' Center of branch office in your address or registered domicile (In case of the marriage according to foreign law and notifier is out of the country, it can be accepted in resident abroad embassy.)

4. Notifier: The couple to get married. (For the marriage according to foreign law, only a Japanese national can submit the notification.)

5. Completing the marriage registration: The marriage registration must contain the signatures of the couple to be married and the stamp of your Japanese partner (rubber stamps not acceptable), the signatures and stamps (rubber stamps not acceptable) of two witnesses over the age of 18 (an adult if the witness is a foreign resident), the new registered domicile, your current registered domicile, and your address as per the resident registry.

6. Office hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 am - 5:00 pm.

The 2nd and 4th Saturdays, 8:30 am - 0:30 pm

(Citizens’ center of branch offices is not open on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays.)

(Notifications are accepted at a guard room of each ward offices if you submit it outside of the above hours.)

7. Holidays: Saturdays (except 2nd and 4th Saturdays.), Sundays, National Holidays, and December 29 - January 3

(Citizens' Center of branch offices are not open on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays.)

(Notifications are accepted at a guard room of each ward offices on holidays)

8. Required Items:

(1) The Seal and the certificate of All Records of Family Register / Individual Record of Family Register of your Japanese partner

This is not necessary if their registered domicile is in Kawasaki City.

(2) In case that you are to be married according to Japanese law (Notification of Founding): your partner's certificate of legal capacity to contract marriage / passport / birth certificate / certificate of nationality / etc.

(3) In case that you have been married according to foreign law (Notification of Reporting): your marriage certificate and its Japanese translation / passport / etc.

9. Notes: Depending on the country from which your partner is from, or documents other than ones shown above might be needed or Certificate of Legal Capacity to Contract Marriage might not be issued. Please confirm what is required with the Family Registry Desk (Person in charge) of the ward office in advance.

For More Informtaion, Please Contact

Ward Residents Section of Kawasaki ward office Tel:044-201-3145

Citizens' Center of Daishi Branch Office Tel:044-271-0140

Citizens' Center of Tajima Branch Office Tel:044-322-1971

Ward Residents Section of Saiwai ward office Tel:044-556-6617

Ward Residents Section of Nakahara ward office  Tel:044-744-3185

Ward Residents Section of Takatsu ward office  Tel:044-861-3165

Ward Residents Section of Miyamae ward office  Tel:044-856-3147

Ward Residents Section of Tama ward office  Tel:044-935-3156

Ward Residents Section of Asao ward office  Tel:044-965-5123