The format of a letter of attorney is as follows. Please see the related document, “An example of a Letter of Attorney” for a sample how to write.
1. How to prepare: It is not specified, but it must be written by the person who delegates it.
2. Format and contents of the form:
(1) The form can be anything (The letters, papers, etc.)
(2) The date of preparation
(3) Explanation regarding what you have delegated authority for (“I have delegated authority to ~.”)
(4) Address, name, and date of birth of the representative
(5) An authentic signature or written name, seal, date of birth, address, and contact number. (If the letter of attorney is for an application of the seal registration, the seal has that is going to be registered is needed.)
For More Informtaion, Please Contact
Ward Residents Section of Kawasaki ward office Tel:044-201-3143
Citizens' Center of Daishi Branch Office Tel:044-271-0139
Citizens' Center of Tajima Branch Office Tel:044-322-1970
Ward Residents Section of Saiwai ward office Tel:044-556-6616
Ward Residents Section of Nakahara ward office Tel:044-744-3175
Ward Residents Section of Takatsu ward office Tel:044-861-3163
Ward Residents Section of Miyamae ward office Tel:044-856-3144
Ward Residents Section of Tama ward office Tel:044-935-3154
Ward Residents Section of Asao ward office Tel:044-965-5122