

I would like to know the procedures for submitting Divorce Notification.


1 Documents to submit:

Divorce notification (The forms are available at Ward Residents Section of each Ward Office or Citizens' Center of Branch Office)

2 Submission period:

(1) In case of divorce by consent (Kyogi Rikon): at applicants' discretion

(2) In case of adjudicated or arbitrated divorce (Saiban Rikon): within 10 days from the trial date in court is set.

3 Where to submit:

Notifier's Permanent domicile or Ward Residents Section of ward office, Citizens' Center of Branch Office in your domicile.

When notifying, the documents verifying identity to confirm the notifier is required.

(Driver’s license or Passport etc.)

4 Persons Subject to Procedures:

(1) In case of divorce by consent: the husband and wife who want to divorce

(2) In case of adjudicated or arbitrated divorce: the petitioner

5 Attached documents etc.

(1) In case of divorce by consent:

1) Notification of Divorce Form

2) Personal seals of the husband and wife

3) Certificate of all registered matters on family register (Koseki Tohon)

   This is not necessary if the permanent domicile is in Kawasaki City.

4) The signatures and seals of two adult witnesses

(2) In case of adjudicated or arbitrated divorce:

1) Notification of Divorce Form

2) Personal seal of the petitioner

3) Certificate of all registered matters on family register (Koseki Tohon)

   This is not necessary if the permanent domicile is in Kawasaki City.

4) In case of divorce by judgment of a district court (Hanketsu Rikon):

Transcript of Judgment and Certificate of Final Judgment

In case of Arbitrated Divorce (Chotei Rikon):

Transcript of the record of conciliation (Chotei Chosho no Tohon)

In case of divorce by decision of the family court (Shinpan Rikon):

Transcript of Determination of family court (Shinpansho no Tohon) and Certificate of Final Judgment (Kakutei Shomeisho)

In case of divorce by settlement or admission (Wakai / Nindaku Rikon):

Transcript of Settlement or Admission Record (Wakai / Nindaku Chosho no Tohon)

6 Office hours:

Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm

2nd and 4th Saturdays, 8:30am to 0:30pm

(Citizens' Center of Branch Offices are not open on 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month)

(Outside of the above hours, notifications are accepted at the security room)

7 Holidays:

Saturdays (except 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month), Sundays, National Holidays, and from December 29th to January 3rd

(Citizens' Center of Branch Offices are closed also on 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month)

(On Holidays, notifications are accepted at the security room)

8 Notes:

"Notification of Continued Use of Married Name After Divorce (Notification in accordance with Article 77-2)"

It is possible to submit it at any time within 3 months of the settlement of the divorce.

(Please refer to the attached document at the bottom of the page for how to fill in the form.)

9 Based on the following laws and regulations:

Family Registration Law

For More Informtaion, Please Contact

Please contact Ward Residents Section of Ward Office or Citizens' Center of Branch Office at your domicile.

Kawasaki Ward Office, Ward Residents Section Tel: 044-201-3113 (General guide of ward offices)

Daishi Branch Office, Citizens Center Tel: 044-271-0130 (General guide of ward offices)

Tajima Branch Office, Citizens Center Tel: 044-322-1960 (General guide of ward offices)

Saiwai Ward Office, Ward Residents Section Tel: 044-556-6666 (General guide of ward offices)

Nakahara Ward Office, Ward Residents Section Tel: 044-744-3113 (General guide of ward offices)

Takatsu Ward Office, Ward Residents Section Tel: 044-861-3113 (General guide of ward offices)

Miyamae Ward Office, Ward Residents Section Tel: 044-856-3113 (General guide of ward offices)

Tama Ward Office, Ward Residents Section Tel: 044-935-3113 (General guide of ward offices)

Asao Ward Office, Ward Residents Section Tel: 044-965-5100 (General guide of ward offices)