

When is the open day for an approved childcare center and how long the childcare hours?


They are open Monday to Saturday and closed on Sundays, national holidays, and during year end and new-year holidays. If you need childcare even during holidays, please see the page "Holiday Childcare" below.

The hours of childcare of public approved childcare centers are 7:30am to 6:00pm, and those of private approved childcare centers are 7:00am to 6:00pm or 7:30am to 6:30pm.

The childcare hours depend on working hours, commuting time, working conditions (during maternity leave/childcare leave or not), etc. of parents, so please discuss about the hours you need with the childcare center at admission.

Besides, if you need childcare after 6:00pm, please see the page "Extended Child Daycare at approved childcare center " below.

For More Informtaion, Please Contact

Kawasaki Ward Office, Community Care and Support Center (Health and Social Welfare Center and Public Health Center), Children and Families' Section

Tel: 044-201-3219

Daishi Community Health and Social Welfare Station, Children and Family Services

Tel: 044-271-0150

Tajima Community Health and Social Welfare Station, Children and Family Services

Tel: 044-322-1999

Saiwai Ward Office, Community Care and Support Center (Health and Social Welfare Center and Public Health Center), Children and Families' Section

Tel: 044-556- 6688

Nakahara Ward Office, Community Care and Support Center (Health and Social Welfare Center and Public Health Center), Children and Families' Section

Tel: 044-744- 3263

Takatsu Ward Office, Community Care and Support Center (Health and Social Welfare Center and Public Health Center), Children and Families' Section

Tel: 044-861- 3250

Miyamae Ward Office, Community Care and Support Center (Health and Social Welfare Center and Public Health Center), Children and Families' Section

Tel: 044-856- 3258

Tama Ward Office, Community Care and Support Center (Health and Social Welfare Center and Public Health Center), Children and Families' Section

Tel: 044-935- 3297

Asao Ward Office, Community Care and Support Center (Health and Social Welfare Center and Public Health Center), Children and Families' Section

Tel: 044-965- 5158