They are open Monday to Saturday and closed on Sundays, national holidays, and during year end and new-year holidays. If you need childcare even during holidays, please see the page "Holiday Childcare" below.
The hours of childcare of public approved childcare centers are 7:30am to 6:00pm, and those of private approved childcare centers are 7:00am to 6:00pm or 7:30am to 6:30pm.
The childcare hours depend on working hours, commuting time, working conditions (during maternity leave/childcare leave or not), etc. of parents, so please discuss about the hours you need with the childcare center at admission.
Besides, if you need childcare after 6:00pm, please see the page "Extended Child Daycare at approved childcare center " below.
For More Informtaion, Please Contact
Kawasaki Ward Office, Community Care and Support Center (Health and Social Welfare Center and Public Health Center), Children and Families' Section
Tel: 044-201-3219
Daishi Community Health and Social Welfare Station, Children and Family Services
Tel: 044-271-0150
Tajima Community Health and Social Welfare Station, Children and Family Services
Tel: 044-322-1999
Saiwai Ward Office, Community Care and Support Center (Health and Social Welfare Center and Public Health Center), Children and Families' Section
Tel: 044-556- 6688
Nakahara Ward Office, Community Care and Support Center (Health and Social Welfare Center and Public Health Center), Children and Families' Section
Tel: 044-744- 3263
Takatsu Ward Office, Community Care and Support Center (Health and Social Welfare Center and Public Health Center), Children and Families' Section
Tel: 044-861- 3250
Miyamae Ward Office, Community Care and Support Center (Health and Social Welfare Center and Public Health Center), Children and Families' Section
Tel: 044-856- 3258
Tama Ward Office, Community Care and Support Center (Health and Social Welfare Center and Public Health Center), Children and Families' Section
Tel: 044-935- 3297
Asao Ward Office, Community Care and Support Center (Health and Social Welfare Center and Public Health Center), Children and Families' Section
Tel: 044-965- 5158