

If I forgot or locked the password for My Number Card, what should I do?


If you forgot the password that you have set for My Number Card or you mistyped the password three times in a row. (In case of Electronic Certificate for Signing, 5 times), A reset procedure along with the initializing a password and unlock are required.

1.Where to process

The counter of Ward Residents Section of Ward Office in your address and Branch Citizens' Center.

*You can't apply by mail.

2.Reception hours

Weekday (Mon~Fri) 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

2nd and 4th Saturday 8:30 AM to 0:30 PM (Branch Citizens' Center is not available on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays.)

* We do not accept on Saturday (except the 2nd and 4th Saturday), Sunday, National Holiday, Year-End and New-Year Holiday (December 29 to January 3).

* The procedure will take long time, so please come to the counter with plenty of time.

3.Requirements for application

(1)《If the person themselves apply》

A. My Number Card

B. One other item, such as an insurance card etc.

(2)《If the legal representative will apply(If the person who have My Number Card is under the age of 15 or an adult ward)》

A. My Number Card of the person themselves to reset the password.

B. Document verifying identity of the person who will reset the password. (My Number Card and one other item.)

C. Two Documents verifying identity of legal representative. (one document verifying identity with face photo that issued by government office and one other item.)

D. Confirmation document of the authority of representation.

a) If the person themselves is under age of 15:

Certificate of All Registered Matters on Family Register (Family Resister)

* If the person who has the registered domicile in Kawasaki city, it is not required.

Also, if it is confirmed as a regal representative, it may be able to omit.

b) If the person themselves is an adult ward:

Certificate of all present matters for adult ward.

(3) 《If an optional representative applies》

After applying, the documents will be sent to the person who reset the password and new password will be confirmed (document inquiry).

Please note that the application process will not be completed on the day of application.

For detail, please contact Ward Residents Section of Ward Office or Branch Citizens' Center.

A. Necessary items for applying

a) My Number Card for the person themselves who will reset the password.

b) Two documents verifying identity for an optional representative. (one document verifying identity with face photo issued by government office and one other item)

c) Letter of attorney

B. Necessary items when bringing an inquiry document

a) My Number Card for the person themselves who will reset the password.

b) One document verifying identity for the person themselves who will reset the password. (one item other than My Number Card)

c) Two documents verifying identity for an optional representative. (one document verifying identity with face photo issued by government office and one other item)

d) A written response with the necessary item.

e) Letter of attorney (there is a space to fill in the written response.)

4.Service Charge


For More Informtaion, Please Contact

Ward Residents Section of Kawasaki Ward Office 044-201-3143

Daishi Branch Citizens' Center 044-271-0139

Tajima Branch Citizens' Center 044-322-1970

Ward Residents Section of Saiwai Ward Office 044-556-6616

Ward Residents Section of Nakahara Ward Office 044-744-3175

Ward Residents Section of Takatsu Ward Office 044-861-3163

Ward Residents Section of Miyamae Ward Office 044-856-3144

Ward Residents Section of Tama Ward Office 044-935-3154

Ward Residents Section of Aso Ward Office 044-965-5122